Wretched Undead Traits

Acolyte: The model gains the following action. Chant, AP cost 2, the gathering receives additional mana dice of any type for its mana pool

Balefire Body: If this model moves or is pushed over or through an enemy model, that model suffers 1 damage. An enemy model can only suffer this damage once per move or push action

Skitter: This model has +1 move, ignores falling damage if falling from 3" or lower, falling damage still applies to any model it lands in base-to-base contact with

Filthy/Shrouded: If this model is targeted by an attack/spell action from over 5" it deemed to be obscured (attacker receices a -1 to their violence/ranged roll) this bonus cannot stack with being obscured by terrain

Fungal Bloom: On activation choose a single model within 3" of this model, it suffers 1 damage

Gnarled: Once per game, when this model is targeted by an attack action, the model receives +2 armour for the duration of that action.

Grafted/Many Limbed: On a single attack action per game, the model receives +1 attack to 1 weapon it has

Sluglike/Fleshy Amalgam: Every inch of movement up or down a vertical surface is counted as double. For example, a move of 2" up a vertical surface would allow the model to move 4" up the surface

Purloiner: After each scenario roll a d10, it this is equal or lower than this model's move characteristic, gain d10 obols

Ineffable Dead: Reduce the distance this model is pushed by 1”, to a minimum of 1”

Voices from the Firmament: Leader Only. This model gains the following action: Speak AP cost 1, Choose a single model within 5” and push it 1”