
Enbalmed Hands, Scions of the Rotten Goddess

If you chose this covenant, your Gathering may only contains models with the Blood keyword

Your leader gains the following trait in addition to any other

Chosen of the hand: When this gathering receives blood mana dice for its mana pool, all models in this gathering restore 1HP.

In addition, one model may chose the following trait or a trait from the Wretched Undead list. Leaders may have up to 3 traits, including their Basic Leader Trait, minions may only have one type of Trait, and once taken they cannot be removed or sold.

March of the hands: On the first turn, before rolling for initiative, you may push this model 4"

Cairn-born, Faithful of the First Grandlish

If you chose this covenant, your Gathering may only contains models with the Bone keyword

Your leader gains the following trait in addition to any other

Osseous Sacrifice: On activation you may chose to suffer -2hp and then Bone school spells gains +1 to any damage dealt that activation. This additional damage doen't affect friendly models.

In addition, one model may chose the following trait or a trait from the Wretched Undead list. Leaders may have up to 3 traits, including their Basic Leader Trait, minions may only have one type of Trait, and once taken they cannot be removed or sold.

Adamant Structure: When this model 'suffers' damage, eg as the result of falling, dangerous terrain or spellcasting, that damage is reduced by 1 to a minimum of 1. This is not armour and has no effect against attack actions.

The Crescent of Mourn, Spectres of the Doomed Child

If you chose this covenant, your Gathering may only contains models with the Plasm keyword

Your leader gains the following trait in addition to any other

Moonlight Flit: After an enemy attack action and any subsequent pushes have been resolved against this leader you may push the leader up to 2"

In addition, one model may chose the following trait or a trait from the Wretched Undead list. Leaders may have up to 3 traits, including their Basic Leader Trait, minions may only have one type of Trait, and once taken they cannot be removed or sold.

Mournful Curse: When this model is Shattered every model within 3" suffers 2 damage

Recusant Mafeficar

Your leader gains the following trait in addition to any other

Erudite: Each time this leader uses a mana dice for spellcasting, on any roll of 9-10, do not discard that mana dice from the gathering's mana pool

In addition, one model may chose the following trait or a trait from the Wretched Undead list. Leaders may have up to 3 traits, including their Basic Leader Trait, minions may only have one type of Trait, and once taken they cannot be removed or sold.

Apprentice: Can only be taken by a model with the Husk keyword. This model knows 1 spell that is also known by the gathering's leader, when spellcasting they use the gatherings mana pool as normal. This model suffers arcane catastrophe on a channeling roll of 1-2. This trait cannot be taken by a leader.

Wretched Undead, The Lost, Abandoned and Forgotten

Up to 2 models in this gathering may be chosen to have a trait from the list below.

Acolyte: The model gains the following action. Chant, AP cost 2, the gathering receives additional mana dice of any type for its mana pool
Balefire Body: If this model moves or is pushed over or through an enemy model, that model suffers 1 damage. An enemy model can only suffer this damage once per move or push action
Skitter: This model has +1 move, ignores falling damage if falling from 3" or lower, falling damage still applies to any model it lands in base-to-base contact with
Filthy/Shrouded: If this model is targeted by an attack/spell action from over 5" it deemed to be obscured (attacker receices a -1 to their violence/ranged roll) this bonus cannot stack with being obscured by terrain
Fungal Bloom: On activation choose a single model within 3" of this model, it suffers 1 damage
Gnarled: Once per game, when this model is targeted by an attack action, the model receives +2 armour for the duration of that action.
Grafted/Many Limbed: On a single attack action per game, the model receives +1 attack to 1 weapon it has
Sluglike/Fleshy Amalgam: Every inch of movement up or down a vertical surface is counted as double. For example, a move of 2" up a vertical surface would allow the model to move 4" up the surface
Purloiner: After each scenario roll a d10, it this is equal or lower than this model's move characteristic, gain d10 obols
Ineffable Dead: Reduce the distance this model is pushed by 1”, to a minimum of 1”
Voices from the Firmament: Leader Only. This model gains the following action: Speak AP cost 1, Choose a single model within 5” and push it 1”