
What's new ?

🏴‍☠️ Check this awesome app

💀 Necropolis Companion App 0.8 (June 9, 2024)

  • Updated the rules to version 0.91
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Heavy armour to be selected when available
  • Did some proofreading and found some errors in some profiles

💀 Necropolis Companion App 0.7 (February 11, 2024)

  • Updated the rules to version 0.9
  • Added the Large Claws 2h melee weapon

💀 Necropolis Companion App 0.6 (July 06, 2023)

  • Lists can now be exported as text for easy sharing, and json for nerds.
  • Updated the rules to version 0.8
  • Fixed some bugs with Wretched Undead Traits & the Apprentice trait
  • New logo ✌️

What is necropolis ?

Necropolis is a fast paced skirmish miniature game set in a world where everything is dead. Each player controls a handful of undead creatures, lead by a powerful spellcaster, fighting each others in narrative scenarios. The game highly encourages hobbyists to create and convert their own models, as well as building diorama-like tables.

Why this app ?

The necropolis28 core rules are fairly simple. The richness of the game lies in all the list building options, allowing to create very thematic gatherings with pretty much any minis. I created this app to help players and aspiring players get their models on the tabletop as often as possible.

My goal is to make list building as seamless as possible. You should be able to create your gathering with only basic knowledge about the game.